MSc Logistics students had a memorable event at HiMolde. Photo: Eden Gao

Truly breaking the ice

Continuing the success from last year, the social get-together event for the first year logistics master students was organised again this year.

By NANCY LE and EDEN GAO (photo)

Members of Group 4 are solving Flag Quiz. Photo: Eden Gao

The main purpose for the event is to help students get to know their classmates and encourage better interaction between Norwegian and foreign students. The night might be an unforgettable memory for all 31 students that participated in the Thursday evening event.

The Balloon Fight between Group 2 and Group 4. Photo: Eden Gao

They gathered in a warm atmosphere in the canteen on Molde Campus. With some snacks and drinks, they naturally shared about themselves and about their trips to other classmates’ countries.  Fun stories and laughs faded away the first shyness and connected everyone together. The «ice» among students was truly broken with team-building games like Flag Quiz, Balloon Fight, Office Tennis and Spaghetti Tower.

See more photos on Panorama’s Facebook-page.

Strong efforts from two members of Group 3 in an Office Tennis game. Photo: Eden Gao

The final winning teams were Group 2 and Group 3. However, it could be said that the winners were all students who came to the event, since they got a head start in getting friends and having fun while studying at Molde University College.

High team spirit in Group 2 in the final game – Spaghetti Tower. Photo: Eden Gao

Here are few words to describe about the event from participants:

«Successful,» associate professor Arild Hoff said.

“Very good,» student representative Siham Nasser commented.

«Fun games,» was Norwegian master student Jacqueline Knutsson verdict.

Simple, but truly effective.

The happiness of Group 2 – one of the final winning teams. Erik Langelo (from left to right), Gulnara Shafiullina, Veronica Lofnes Silden, Peter Sannes, Jacequeline Knutsson, Tuan Minh Vu, Navneet Sharma and Judith Jacob Iddy. Photo: Eden Gao