The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you! Our fashion column this week takes a closer look at the styles of four influential individuals around campus.
Simen Strøm Nordnes
Student, MSc Logistics (student representative in the university board and iStudent president).
Style: I dress formally and equally have many different kind of shirts which I find timeless and always appropriate.
Inspiration: From everywhere! Online shops, fellow students, movies.
Favorite designers: I do not know any designers; neither do I have a favorite brand. A good fit and fabric usually does the trick. However, I have a few items from quality brands in my wardrobe, timeless products that I can have for years.
Shopping spots and frequency: Since the financial situation as a student does not usually create a lot for shopping all the time, I find myself shopping during clearance sales, especially online. I frequently visit website.
Favorite colors: You will rarely see me in flashy colors. I mostly dress in a subtle kind of way. Perhaps earth-like colors are preferable. Navy blue is equally common in my wardrobe.
Fashion advice: Tailor your suit. It is a cheap and easy way to look fantastic, especially for the upcoming May 17th national day celebration. Acquire quality shirts as well. They rarely go out of style.
How do you maintain a fashionable sense of style as a leader? Being a leader or not has not changed my clothing style. I believe that I dress appropriately every day.
If you were to give a speech at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, how would you dress? Most definitely, in a tuxedo with all the formalities it requires. We men are lucky to have easy answers like this.
Any Norwegian male celebrity who dresses outstandingly? This question is kind of tricky. I pay little attention to Norwegian celebrities.
Cecile Titus
Student, MSc Event Management
Style: Casual
Inspiration: From everywhere! It can be from magazines, or when I see someone wearing something I like, I keep the idea.
Fashion brands or designers you like? For now, I do not have any favorite brands or designers. I may like different products unevenly, so I cannot say that I like one brand more than the other. I like to mix everything.
Shopping spots: I shop from everywhere, but prefer shopping in London. I like shopping there because one can find original stuff at a good price.
How often do you shop? It depends on how much money I have as well as my needs and mood.
Favorite colors: I do not have any favorite colors, but I like wearing colorful clothes.
Fashion advice: Wear what you like and be comfortable in it! Add simple jewelry, sometimes it is a must-have for your looks.
French fashion compared to Norway: I have noticed some differences. For example, in Norway, one can come to the university with sports pants and no one cares. In Paris, if someone does it, everyone will look at him. Moreover, we do not have this big differences between party and daytime clothes.
How would you dress if you were to attend an evening gala? I would choose a long elegant dress with some nice shoes to match it.
Solfrid Rygg
Student, BSc Social Education (leader of the Bible study group on Molde Campus)
Style: Casual, but at the same time I like to look elegant and accessorize myself. It also depends on my mood. I like to dress in a way that makes me feel good.
Inspiration: My inspiration comes from various fashion bloggers and people on the streets.
Designers and brands: I have no favorite brands, but love the styles from Vero Moda stores, H&M, b.young and sometimes Fretex.
How often do you shop? Perhaps once every other month, but it depends on whether I need something or not.
Favorite colors: My favorite colors are gold, blue and brown!
Fashion advice: Dress for yourself and not for others! Be yourself and adapt your own style!
How would you dress for an important interview? I would wear nice pants or a skirt with a cute blouse.
Arild Hoff
Associate professor, manager for the master programs in logistics
Style: I do not think much äbout fashion at all. I like clothes that are comfortable to walk in and that is it.
Where do you shop? I do not have any particular shops, but can walk into a shopping center, find some clothes and something that suits me.
How often do you shop: Not very often, but I replace my my clothes when they begin to wear out.
Last time you shopped: You have to go back to last year.
What did you buy: I think I bought these trousers?
What are your favorite colors: Maybe dark blue and black, but not very colorful clothes.
How do you dress when u go for special occasions: I have a black suit and white shirt that I wear every time I need to dress up. I have many ties which I get as gifts during Christmas seasons.
Specific designers: No. I have not heard of any.