Wednesday, Econa invited HiM students for a wine tasting dinner at Molde Fjordstuer, not only to feel the taste of noble wines, but also to feel the touch of business events atmosphere.
Econa – a Norwegian trade union for business administrators – continues to develop closer collaboration with its members amongst students. Over the last two years it has been offering a plethora of courses and events for its active and potential members.
Starting from 2015 Econa has been continuously increasing its membership amongst HiM students and it plans to grow the number of its members up to 100 by the end of this year and the Wine Tasting Dinner is one of the pleasant and useful ways to recruit new members and share the information about ongoing and future activities.
Econa offers academic, network and social events for students. It has successfully conducted courses on macroeconomics, LinkedIn and Excel and got a positive feedback from participants. For the spring semester in 2018, Econa plans to invite one of the Luksusfellen hosts to conduct a private economy and right decision-making course for students. For master students who has already started looking for jobs, Econa will organize a seminar focused on this subject this coming spring.
The leader of Econa’s student branch in Molde, Marios Gustad Padazopoulos, said that there are more women than men in the local chapter. His explanation for this fact is that women nowadays actually are more career-oriented than men are.
Econa’s activities for students can also result in job offers: Last year two of its student members, who won the national competition in economics ‘NM i økonomi’, were offered positions at Danske Bank – the main sponsor of the event.
This year, a HiM students team won one of the Stock Exchange Competition, and the local branch plans to repeat its triumph next year, too.