Friday was a great opportunity to take a break from exams, enjoy the sun, drink some beer(s) and dance to the beats by DJ Daniel Schempp! iFri, MSH and ESN catered for a social end of the semester.
Brilliant sunshine and almost 20°C outside temperature – but most students at HiMolde just know that by hearsay due to being too busy with exam preparation and wrirting theses. Therefore, iFri and MSH initiated an exam break event at Kringstadbukta to bring them out of their ‘study caves’.

The organizers around iFri leader Mari Bøe prepared BBQ grills and sausages – what works better for that than free hot dogs? Snacks and soda, chilled music and the good mood of the students supplied the rest. To lose the tensions caused by hours-long stitting in front of the laptops and books, they prepared fun competitions like egg-throwing and limbo. The prospect of winning valuable prizes such as cinema vouchers and backpacks provided by various shops in Molde encouraged every participant to do his best.

In the evening, ESN kicked off the last party of the semester. Students were encouraged to wear white t-shirt, which they soon turned into collection of signatures, signs and little notes that will remind them of the great time they have had during their semester abroad. Previous German exchange student DJ Daniel Schempp travelled once again back to Molde to create cheerful atmosphere and make the crowd dance.
“I took a break from studying and it’s amazing,” laughs German exchange student Matthias Lange and ads: “We are not celebrating the end of semester, we are celebrating the entire semester. During those months here we went on amazing trips, we were hiking, stayed at cabins. We all had a great time,” recalls Matthias Lange.

For many international exchange students these are last couple of days of their semester abroad. Exhibition of photos collected from students was a nice reminder of all those great memories they have gained during the five months here in Molde.
“I love the exhibition, we collected many pictures, and I am glad people wear those white t-shirts and everyone enjoy it,” says the organizer of the Spring party and ESN vice-president Nikola Krahulcová.

Some of the students did not hide a sentiment that the semester is nearly over. “I feel very sad, the community here is small, but very nice and people are very kind. I might cry tomorrow,” admits Fraser Sturgess. However, those white t-shirts full of signs and notes from their friends will always remind them of the great time they have had here. “For many of us, it was the best semester of our lives. We had a lot of opportunities to spend time together and make friendships for life, but now let’s party for one last time!” says Belorussian student Vlad Lapets.