“There is nothing in this world that can compare with Christian fellowship, nothing that can satisfy but Christ,” John D. Rockefeller. True to this sentiment, a few Christian students identifying with the Christian faith are partaking in the joy of communing together once a week at the university college.
By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD (text and photo)
Tuesday evening, time check, 7:00pm. A few chatty sounds can be heard coming from room A-204. Welcoming and smiling faces are irresistibly hard to ignore as more students walk in with a Bible in hand. After a short prayer session everyone embarks on reading Romans chapter 6, the study chapter of the week which talks about dying in sin and ressurecting in Christ under the day’s guidance of Motuma Tura.
How can Christians remain faithful and pure of sin in a sinful world, is sin inevitable, what happens when Christians sin? These questions were posed after reading the chapter and the following disucussion lead to various answers such as: “Do not be a slave to sin. Present yourself as a new person leaving the old behind. Be baptized in Christ. Even though Christians sin, there is redemption through Christ. Human beings are mortal and therefore weak, and cannot entirely avoid sin. Conforming to sin and allowing it to deeply sit in us, is not right.”
These and many other conclusions were suggested.
The group’s leader, Solfrid Skyfri Rygg, said that the Bible group begun with meetings at the home of one of the group members, before shifting the location to the University College in November 2014.
“We found it easier to spread God’s messsage to more students if we moved to the university college and on this occasion founded the name Molde University College Christian School Group,”she added.
Fellowship occurs every Tuesday at 19:00-20:30 for the meantime in room A-204, but in due course of time a more convenient meeting space will be communicated. The meetings consist of Bible reading and fellowship where members study a chapter, share thoughts and pray for each other.

Despite being the group’s leader, Solfrid recognizes the fact that each member has a role in the group.
“By this I mean that each person should feel that they are helping to steer the group and give input to the various activities they want to do at the meetings. It shall be an entity in the group so that people can feel at home and well received,” she said.
The group plans on having a stand at Molde Campus on February 24th where they will promote themselves, answer questions, share the gospel and recruit more members, keeping in mind that one of the most important responsibilities in the Christian life is to care about others and being a friend to the friendless while maintaining a Christian lifestyle.
Here is a link to the groups presence on Facebook.
The author of the article is a member of the Bible study group.