Style is a way of saying who you are without speaking. In our new fashion column, Panorama spots the best dressed students and staff on campus.
Anna Gazova
Student, MSc Event Management.
Style: Classic, romantic and casual blended with accessories that include bags, shoes, scarves and jewelry.
Shopping spots: Mostly in Moscow, one of the world’s fashion capital. And Europe and Norway, even though the choices in Norway are limited.

Norway’s fashion sense compared to Russia: It is very difficult to compare the two. Russian women have a need to look beautiful, fashionable, stylish and well groomed. It is almost like a cult. Some of them can spend their last money on a new dress. Norwegian girls are confident and independent. They adopt a sporty style with a much easier look that is based on convenience and practicality.
How often do you shop? I love shopping and picking new clothes, but Molde has limited options.
Favorite colors: Preferably a pastel range of beige gray, rosy blue shades and deep colors as well as dark blue, emerald green and graphite, as it pertains clothes. For the accessories, preference is given to juicy bright sunny colors such as; yellow, orange, purple and turquoise.
Anette Kristin Myrstad
Coordinator for the Erasmus exchange students, staff and teachers. Her job includes signing contracts, budgeting and applying for funds to the EU among many other activities that involve student exchange programs.

Fashion style: My style is classic. I try to dress according to my shape. Many Norwegian women dress according to the weather, which I don’t. I have a different style. When I walk to work every day, I put on my ski dress and change as soon as I arrive at the college.
Your take on Shoes: I have a job where I sit 95% of the day. Whether I wear heels or sneakers, it makes no difference. But I prefer high heels. I was brought up by parents who said that to dress smartly and correctly is to show respect towards people you work with and have around you.

Shopping spots: I seldom shop in Norway, but mostly in London given the benefits of my job that allows plenty of shopping opportunities which comes along with travelling. I do a lot of H&M in Trondheim and Oslo, but not in Molde because the shops have different clothes.
Fashion Brands: Generally speaking, I don’t think the brand is the most important. Quality is. However, I like Karen Millen, MAX&Co. and Pinko which is Italian. I lived in Italy for a while.
Favorite colors: The easier color is black but purple, red and bright blue. I do not have one color that I like but dresses and color.
Thomas Rekus
Student, MSc Sports Management.
Style: Casual.

Shopping spots: I shop everywhere with no specific rule as to where I want to shop. I buy what I like.
Norway vs. Germany: I like the way people apparel themselves in Norway, especially during my Oslo trip, I was impressed by the way people presented themselves. It is more or less the same as in bigger cities in Germany. I have a bias against sandals and three quarter pants.

Shopping frequency: I do not shop much in Norway, but normally I would say once or twice a year for each summer and winter season. It depends on whether I need something.
Colors: I do not really have a favorite color, but I prefer using colors to avoid looking pale.
Fashion tips for men: Dare to use colors
Helena Sant’Ana

Student, BSc Industrial Engineering, exchange student in Logistics in Molde.
Her style: Comfortable. I believe that less is more and prefer dresses, basic shirts and jeans.
Shopping spots: H&M. Prices are good and sometimes they have amazing clothes.
Norwegian vs Brazilian fashion sense: Norwegian girls dress really well and use more make up compared to us. However, Brazilian girls normally dress up better for parties.

How often do you shop? Maybe twice a month, as there are some really cheap clothes around. I make the most of the sales.
Favorite colors: Black, blue and red.