Thursday, HiMolde students hiked to the top of Moldeheia aka Tusenårsvarden (elevation: 530 meters). The top is a favourite destination among locals of all ages.

What is your first impression on Norway?
«It is nice! We really like it here. Compared to the Netherlands, there is so much space here in Norway. We feel really free. And it is so clean. It has been a positive surprise coming here», says the four students that came here to Norway a couple of weeks ago.
They have been on a trip to the Skihytta – the stop before mountaintop Tusenårsvarden (formerly known as Moldeheia) with the student counselor.

How was the trip up in Moldemarka?
«Way better than expected! The Norwegian nature is so beautiful», says Daphne and Fiene smiling.
During these two first weeks of the semester, Åpningsuka 2016 organizes various events. There have been concerts almost every day and people are enjoying themselves. In contrast to all the partying, Åpningsuka in Molde organized this trip with Student Counselor at HiMolde, Eva-Merete Otterlei Børstad. She was excited to show the new students where to go to get some fresh air.

What brought you here to Norway?
«We are here for one semester with the Erasmus program. The three of us, Kjeld, Fiene and me, are doing a semester in Sports Management and Sebastian is doing a semester in Logistics. We are looking forward to our stay here in Norway», says Daphne.
When asked for what they want to do when they are done here in Molde, Fiene and Daphne wants to go up to the northern parts of Norway see how it is there.