From today and until 19th of April, HiMolde students will have a chance to elect their representatives in the Student parliament (Studenttinget). Later this month, on the 30th of April, there is going to be an election of student repressentaives to the university board (høgskolestyret).
The Student parliament at HiMolde is a politically independent organization that will ensure students’ democratic, economic, professional and welfare interests. The student parliament (Studenttinget) is the student’s link to the management board at HiMolde. The goal of the Students parliament is to democratically gather the students’ voice and deal with the issues of interest.
In total, 16 candidates are going to be selected from Tuesday 17th April until Thursday 19th April. Certain amount of representatives of each of the three university departments will be elected. These are entitled to vote and have the right to speak on matters. Board and control committee is also going to be elected. The board is responsible for the operation of the student assembly. The Control Committee ensures that everything is done according to the rules of the Student parliament.
The university board (høgskolestyret) is HiMolde’s supreme body. Two student representatives are going to be elected to the board on 15th of May. Candidates can send their application until 20th of April to
“Anyone can bring a concern to us, students, board, teachers. Our task is to make sure your voice is heard,” says Michael Larsen, the leader of the Student parliament. “The candidates will be presented the day before the elections; all students of HiMolde have the opportunity to vote in 90-meter skogen during the following days,” explains Larsen.
These are the candidates for the students’ parliament, which can be elected in the 90-meterskogen from Tuesday 17th till Thursday 19th from 10 am – 13 pm:
Economics and social sciences:
Markus Lilleheil
Michael R. Larsen
Kristoffer H. Thorvaldsen
Stephanie Roco
Martine Smørdal
Katrine Bjørnbakk
Knut H. Eikre
Victoria Sandvik
Henrik R. Tronstad
Espen Gustavsen
Martine B. Opsal
Henrik Dybdahl
Knut O. Sørset
Cecilie Maria Camitz-Leidland
Anders Haugen Vikhagen
Kenneth Tong
Hedda Christine Nødtvet
Espen Tjøtta
Health and social studies:
Hedda Nes
Aud Johanne H. Dyrnes
Linn Kongshavn