Without a doubt, regular exercise at the gym can benefit your health, mind and body. Not only does it boost your energy, increase lean muscle mass, decrease your risk for certain health conditions and help you manage your weight, but it also improves your mood and enables you to live longer. Sounds pretty amazing, right?
Molde University College provides facilities and gym equipments to people and mainly students who are willing to exercise with only 300 NOK per semester to help them build their muscles, relax a little bit and release the burden and the pressure they can get from their studies.
Some student’s opinions
Andrea Lindelid (22), studying nursing:
«I do gym 4 to 5 times a week, and it usually takes from me 40 minutes to one hour a day. I really like training because it makes me feel happy, and in a better mood. It also helps me concentrate more and focus better on my studies. I prefer to do gym here at university than outside, because it is very cheap compareed to that one in the city center, and it is close to the student’s campus as well.»

Franziska Kruth (24), Erasmus student in economics:
«I like to do gym because it can help me strengthen my body and be stronger. It does not help me physically only, it can also help mentally. Of course, you need time for gym, but afterwards – I believe, it helps me a lot in my studies, because everybody needs some time to relax mentally, and I think after gym it is easier to focus on your studies and do better. Some of the problems that we can face here is that there are equipments which are old and others a bit damaged. So it is not easy to work with it, you have to get used to it. But when it comes to the price, I would say, it is more than ok.»
Benefits of gym workouts
Going to the gym every day can help improve your cardiovascular system, strengthen your muscles, help you maintain your weight, boost your mental health and decrease the odds that you’ll develop other health conditions.
Exercising daily strengthens your heart and allows it to pump more efficiently with less strain. It also keeps your blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the normal range and keeps your cholesterol levels in check. Plus, it may help manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Here is what Henrik Grønvik, a first year bachelor student in Sports Management and the person who is responsible for gym told us:
«As you know, I just started to be responsible for this, and I did not have the chance yet to go over everything, but I will check and ask the students and the teachers who are doing gym there and see if they need anything, or if maybe something that needs be changed. Being part of this gym exercise is a great opportunity for students, because many of them do not have any activities outdoor or they need to pay a lot of money for these kind of activities outside. So they can come here and exercise for only 300 kroner per semester. I do believe that to go to the gym is important – especially when you are a student, because it is a good way to get out of your apartment, meet other people and exercise outside. We do not have to see the gym as an obstacle, but more like a tool that helps you through your studies and os good for your health as well.»