Finding your own style and having the courage to stick to it is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul. Our fashion stars this week draw inspiration from various people and situations that results in an appealing style.
Arnór Ásgeirsson
Student, MSc Sport Management

Style: A blend of modern and comfortable.
Inspiration: My girlfriend! She has a very good taste. Besides drawing inspiration from her, my choices vary from day to day. Dressing nicely makes me feel better.
Favorite colors: Let’s say that blue and red are my favorites, but I also like using various colors.
Fashion brands: I go with what I like irrespective of the brand.
Shopping spots: Despite the fact that I come from and have mostly lived in Iceland, I buy 90% of my clothes from other locations for example, USA, London and Spain. Now that I am living in Norway, I shop at H&M, but it does not really matter. If I like it, I buy it!
How often do you shop? Not as much as I would like to. I usually shopped once or twice a year as I travelled from Iceland to other countries. However, in Norway, I shop randomly.

Any particular designers you prefer? None.
Fashion advice to men? Dress for yourself, not for others.
What would you wear if you were to meet your favorite movie star? Hmm … A nice pair of denim jeans and a comfortable shirt.
Which Icelandic or international celebrity would you consider best dressed?
Every Icelander dresses with style, but actor Thor Kristjansson stands out.
Ingvild Sandven
Student, Law

Style: Girly, classy and minimalistic. I dress depending on my mood and the weather. On rainy days, black or dark blue work out well. I complete my special outfit with different accessories, but do not like clothes that call for too much attention. I just like to feel nice and comfortable. I also love sneakers and minimal jewelry.
Inspiration: I find inspiration from everywhere and nowhere, but my biggest inspiration is myself. If I see something I like and can feel great in it, I go for it. I do not follow the hottest trends if the outfits I choose make me happy and can keep my spirits high. Looking at pictures on the internet, magazines, TV, friends, Nelly Minto and profiles on Instagram also inspire me.
Favorite color: Preferably, light colors such as; light blue, beige, light yellow or light purple. I love the fact that colors can cheer me up and boost my energy.

Fashion brands and designers: I have some brands that I look out for when shopping because I know which designers often design what I like and the styles that fit my body. My favorite designers are Selected Femme, Filippa K, Alexander Wang, Ganni, Tiger of Sweden, Just Female, A&F, Maison Scotch and Marc O’Polo.
Shopping spots: I shop in my hometown Bergen at stores such as; Emilie, Infinity, BikBok, Retro, Mia Bao, DNA shoes and sport stores.
How often do you shop? It depends. I shop when I want or need something special and of course, it has to be within a budget. Shopping is like my little time for daydreaming and getting new inspiration.

Fashion advice to women: Style is not what you wear, but how you wear it.
What would you wear if you were to go on a date with a celebrity? The perfect outfit for me.
Which celebrity do you think dresses the best? Emma Watson, she is always so elegant and classy.
Geir Arne Svenning
Head of outreach activities (EUV) at HiMolde

Style: Formal, at least at when I am at work, but when off duty, I prefer having sport clothes such as mountaineering and skiing outfits.
Shopping: I come from the procurement field, and as a result, always shop when there are clearance sales and that is when the last clothes are available. I think I am old fashioned, but it is cheaper that way.
Designers: I like the Swedish company Tiger because they have good clothes for slim and tall men. However, I am not particular about brands. If I think an outfit is nice, I go for it.
Colors: Preferably, blue for the shirt and dark trousers.

Norwegian style of dressing among men: I think it is very individual. People choose their own style. The previous company I worked in required a formal dress code. When we had visitors and negotiated with them, we needed to be dressed nicely. When people take their time to come to visit and speak with us I think it is nice to dress presentably. I have a coat hanging in my office and if an unexpected meeting turns up, I can easily put it on and still look sharp. It’s easier to dress down than it is to dress up.
Men vs Women’s shopping costs: It is more expensive for women to shop for clothes than it is for men. A man can buy a shirt and wear it many times. If he is wearing a top and keeps changing different jackets you may not see that he is wearing the same shirt. It is different for women. Women need to change style therefore need to buy very many of them. At the end of the day, it is easier for men to dress cheaper.