Christmas parties, so-called Julebords, are a strong part of the Norwegian Christmas tradition. This time of a year you can often meet formally dressed Norwegians heading to various places to eat pinnekjøtt, svineribbe, medisterpølse, surkål, and to drink akvavit or any other alcohol within reach. The students at the nursing department of Himolde are no exception.

The secons year nursing students met last Friday in an unusually cosy canteen in the A building of Himolde. Mellow atmosphere was underlined by the candlelight, while nursing students shared a meal and mingled until the unobtrusive chatter broke into drinking games and dancing. Panorama used this opportunity to get to know some of the students who chose this vital but stressful line of work for their future.
See more photos from julebordet på Panoramas Facebook-page.

Siri Hjelset
What was your motivation to join this study program?
I wanted to help people who could not help themselves and get to know them on a certain level. Being social is also part of it. My aunt had cancer and that is when I realized this calling to help people who unfortunately suffer such horrible diseases.
Working as a nurse brings many difficult and stressful situations. How do you think you would be able to handle these ?
I know I am able to handle these situation. But when I feel down and broken, I need to have people around me who can help build me up again. That is the most important thing for me. Also I need to have a strong distinction between work time and personal time. If I did not have that, I would not be able to live my life fully. When I encounter this sort of situation, I try to remember something really good that has happened in my life. And then, instead of being sad, I act professionally.
How do you like the studies here at HiMolde?
I like it a lot, but it is a bit stressful. I have heard that the nursing degree in Molde is the toughest in Norway. So I would rather have stressful studies and be well prepared for the job than the other way around.
Do you see any problems in the nursing field in Norway ?
There are definitely too few nurses. I wish there were at least thousands more. And it goes hand in hand with a fact that nurses are not getting paid enough. I think large difference between the pay scale of nurses and doctors is unfair. I do not say that the wages should be the same. But while the doctors concentrate on the inside of the body, we care about the psychological well-being of the patients. I think both are equally important.
What do you think makes a good nurse ?
Having a lot of empathy and sympathy towards others.

Andreas H. Mostervik
What gave you the motivation to take on Nursing studies?
I always wanted to help people, that was the driving force behind it.
What do you think about the Nursing degree here in Molde?
I think it gives us all the necessary knowledge we need to do this job well. I have been working as a nursing assistant for some time now, so I could evaluate this well.
What type of nurse would you like to be ?
After I am done with my studies I would like to go on humanitarian missions with the Red Cross for some time. Later on perhaps a surgical nurse or air ambulance nurse.
Do you see any problems in the nursing field in Norway?
Foremost that it is dominated by females. That is something I would like to change.

Maja Aarnes
What was your motivation to take on this line of studies?
I’m not from Norway and Norwegian people helped me a lot since I came here, so I decided to give back a little bit and help people myself.
What type of nurse would you like to be when you are done studying?
I am not sure yet, but I know I am going to study more after I am done with my bachelors because I want to obtain some specialization.
Do you see any problems in the nursing field in Norway?
The wages are too low if one considers the job description. As a result of that there are not enough nurses in hospitals.
Do you think that you are ready for the stressful situations you are going to encounter as a nurse ?
I am prepared. Because I have been already working as a nursing assistant for five years. I have taken care of really sick people and even people who passed away eventually. That gave me the right training. Although is still very hard for me since I am a very sensitive person.
What do you think makes a good nurse ?
A good nurse should have a lot of respect for people and should be trustworthy.