St.Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th. On this day lovers all around the world mark this occasion as a day for sending poems, cards, flowers or candy……STOP!

«I choose to ignore it,» Mr. HB (HeartBroken, not his real name) said.
Even the most powerful glue in the world can’t mend Mr. HB’s broken heart.
«Now, I’m indeed a bachelor,» Mr. HB, a bachelor student in HiMolde, said with humor and sorrow.
«I loved her so much, but she said she felt less and less freedom. I respected her decision, if breaking up can make her happy again, I will just let her go.»
«I haven’t told my parents yet. They know I have a vulnerable heart and will become worried about me, which I don’t want. Also, I don’t want my friends know about this. Some of them will make fun of me. I was a little ridiculous. In the beginning, I tried to pretend I was still in love after breaking up by making fake photo in which my girlfriend – now ex-girlfriend – and I walk by the sea hand in hand. I had been hesitating for a long time on whether I should post it on Instagram. Finally, I gave up because it was a cheat to my friends. I don’t want to hurt those who care about me anymore. I will tell them the truth at the proper time.»

«I will just avoid all the things related to love, which will attack my heart. I will live positively again, after a long time to recovery. So, Valentine’s Day, I choose to ignore it.»
Mr. HB gives these suggestions to all singles and broken boys and girls who still have no plans for Valentine’s Day:
Walk into the nature
Fishing by the sea, jogging in the forest or climbing the mountain. In Norway, it’s never hard to find a tranquil place. If you don’t want to go to the city centers full of couples, then walk into the nature by your own and find your inner peace. Finding your inner peace might actually help you find the one!
Explore cyberspace, but try to avoid any social media
I don’t think cybergames teach us to escape from reality. In contrast, they bring wonderful entertainment to us. Some great games will enlarge our vision, because of magnificent world views. So, imagine you are Alice and explore your wonderland. I also suggest that you don’t touch all the social media, like Facebook, Instagram and so on. It is unavoidable that some couples will show off photos. They are very anxious to tell all the people in the world how romantic they are. Maybe you will see your ex, if you did not delete her or him. To get rid of this embarrassment, and get a peaceful day, stay off social media.
Single Party
Friendship is more reliable than love. Just call your single friends and have a feast at home together. Never go to restaurants today, because couples have occupied those places.
Buy yourself a gift
We know exactly what we need. It’s not flowers or chocolate. Valentine’s Day is good time for shopping because this festival has become a big commercial event and many shops offer discounts. Just pick the things you like and make your wish list come true. What is more important, this gift can be an encouragement for your independence. Even without her or him, we have ability to live better.
Clean the room and get rid of old stuff
If you just want to stay alone, clean the room can kill your time. Wash the dirty clothes you threw in the corner, get rid of all the useless stuff and clean your room. You will become relaxed and positive after you optimize the environment that you live in.