On ESN Moldes’s Facebook page and moldestudenten.no it was published that ESN Molde would give students controversial awards for being sexy, horny or drunk, but ESN leader Timothy Nemytov says the awards will be in categories that are «positive and funny».

ESN Molde board member Alejandro Bauzá, who is organizing the party with the obvously controversial awards, started out defending the categories.
“What I think will be the highlight of the night though is the Erasmus Oscar contest. We are thinking about awarding students in four different categories; the best dancer, the drunkest students, the sexiest student and the horniest students,” explains ESN Molde board member Alejandro Bauzá from Cuba. “The winners are going to be elected by the ESN board from the international and Norwegian students.»
«Don’t you think some students might find the awards offending or harassing?»
«It is nothing serious, it is just about having fun. It is not supposed to be offending or harassing. However, I think we need to discuss it with the ESN board if we should keep those categories,” realizes Alejandro Bauzá. “We don’t want to humiliate anyone and if it is not okay, we can just change or cancel it.”

ESN Molde board leader Timothy Nemytov of Belarus says the categories sexy, horny and drunk was used as jokey examples, and that they should not have been published on Facebook or moldestudenten.no.
– I think we must have misunderstood each other on the board, and we will pick new categories for the Erasmus Oscars. The categories will be positive and funny. Personally, I don’t like serious awards, and we will give awards that make people laugh and feel entertained, Nemytov says.
The Spring Party will be in the spirit of memories of the time the students had here in Molde this semester. The students are encouraged to wear white shirts, so the students can write names and notes for each other and keep the T-shirt as a good memory.
“Unfortunately, we haven’t got the t-shirts yet. They were supposed to be sold in the bookstore, however we haven’t received them yet. We are trying to solve this as soon as possible,” says Alejandro Bauzá.

“The plan for Friday is simply to make a great party,” says Alejandro Bauzá. “The party will start at 9 pm. There is going to be DJ Daniel Schempp, previous Erasmus student, who flies back from Germany to play some great music.”
Part of the party is also going to be an exhibition of pictures collected from students from the entire semester.
“We managed to collect about 70 pictures so far. It will be nice reminder of all those great experiences this semester has brought,” says Alejandro Bauzá.