Stikkordarkiv: ESN Molde

ESN Molde is NOT giving awards to most horny, sexy and drunken students

On ESN Moldes’s Facebook page and it was published that ESN Molde would give students controversial awards for being sexy, horny or drunk, but ESN leader Timothy Nemytov says the awards will be in categories that are «positive and funny». By ANETA GRABMÛLLEROVA and ARILD J. WAAGBØ ESN Molde board member Alejandro Bauzá, who … Fortsett å lese ESN Molde is NOT giving awards to most horny, sexy and drunken students

The last dance

Good vibrations at the ESN Godbye Evening party. Artur Kamalitdinov’s video of December’s Goodbye Evening in student club Smuget on Molde campus features an interview with ESN Molde president, student band 50%, DJ Daniel Schempp, students honouring SiMolde’s Rolf Magnus Orø for his work, and students having a good time on the dance floor. READ … Fortsett å lese The last dance

Runners, yogis and brave warriors

The premier of ESN Sport Weekend provided the participants with the theoretical framework about running and taping and finally pushed them to their limits. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER The organizing team around ESN’s new vice president Nikola Krahulcova, Tomaš Nedoma and Eduardo Perdigão Drapier set up a varied program that catered for everyone. The first day … Fortsett å lese Runners, yogis and brave warriors

Ut på blåtur med iStudent

Fredag morgen møtte rundt 40 studenter opp for å dra på blåtur. Fredagens blåtur gikk til Valldal Aktivitetspark. Leder for iStudent, Vegard Øye, meddelte etter at de frivillige studentene var kommet inn i bussen at fredagens blåtur skulle gå til Valldal Aktivitetspark. Øye meddelte til Panoramas journalist at han så at noen ble svært bleke … Fortsett å lese Ut på blåtur med iStudent

Her er studentutvalgene du kan engasjere deg i

Onsdag kveld inviterte iStudent til gratis taco og utvalgsaften i kantinen på Høgskolen i Molde. Studentene på skolen jobber hardt for de ulike utvalgene skolen har, og de er dedikerte til det de gjør. Ved å melde deg inn i et utvalg vil du bli bedre kjent med andre studenter, få mer kompetanse innenfor det … Fortsett å lese Her er studentutvalgene du kan engasjere deg i

Closing and award ceremony of the first Erasmus Games

Last Friday, student athletes and organizers said goodbye to the first Erasmus Games in Molde, and the champions received their certificates. By ÁDÁM FRANCZIA & BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (photo) Every good thing must end at one point, and the Erasmus Games is no exception.  Participants and organizers, or just interested students, came together to officially finish … Fortsett å lese Closing and award ceremony of the first Erasmus Games

International students living the Norwegian dugnad spirit

AUKRA (Panorama): Monday, 24 students from HiMolde dedicated some of their time to help organizing an entertaining event for people with developmental disabilities. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER (text & photos) “Dugnad” – a typical Norwegian word without a clean definition, but as soon as you as a newcomer to Norway engage in the social life here, … Fortsett å lese International students living the Norwegian dugnad spirit