8. til 12. mars var petroleumslogistikks tredjeklasse på studietur til Rotterdam, Utrecht og Amsterdam Av MARTIN VIKSE og ERLEND THINGVOLD ØSTGÅRD Turen var fylt med både faglig innhold og minner for livet. Med på turen var 32 spente studenter med studieleder Terje Bach og foreleser Per Schjølberg. Onsdagen gikk i reising og en interessant omvisning … Fortsett å lese Reisebrev fra petlog-studenter på studietur til Nederland →
ROTTERDAM (Panorama): «It is always nice to have a fresh international attitude in the company,» commented Kees Groeneveld, an executive of the NCL branch stationed in Rotterdam, on possible employment of Norwegians in the company. But how to get there? When it comes to logistics, Rotterdam could be considered the capital of Europe. The behemoth of … Fortsett å lese Rotterdam – the hatchery of logistics jobs →
ROTTERDAM (Panorama): «Rotterdam is the biggest logistics hub in Europe, and most merchandise you can buy on this continent passes through there,» said Harald Martin Hjelle, the HiMolde associate professor of logistics. That is one of the reasons why on March the 13. the Logistikkforum, with 29 Norwegian and international students, set off on a … Fortsett å lese Logistikkforum’s first trip abroad – to Rotterdam →
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