Høgskolen i Molde: Fredag kveld arrangerte Smuget årets siste storfest. Årets siste tema var nissefest. Smuget tilbød nedstressing før eksamenstiden og julestria med en sikkelig nissefest. Med DJ Daniel Schempp bak spakene var det duket for god stemning på studentbaren. Rundt 180 studenter møtte opp for å markere denne siste festen. Knut Hofgaard Eikre kom … Fortsett å lese Nissefest på Smuget →
A police patrol visited campus Friday night, after a fist fight between two students at the Back 2 College party in Smuget around midnight. Three hours later, two men kept students awake with loud guarreling outside the students houses. By ARILD J. WAAGBØ, ADÁM FRANCZIA and ANDREAS HUSTAD (photo) – We are not at all happy … Fortsett å lese Fighting in Smuget, and loud quarrel outside campus student houses →
Last Friday, HiMolde students enjoyed a dark and gritty night in the Halloween party. By CASSIE YANG and EDEN GAO (photo) iSmuget arranged this year’s Halloween party last Friday. Nearly 100 students went to the party and had scary fun. Zombies, vampires, devils, horrible skeletons and many other characters celebrated together. In addition to these … Fortsett å lese Happy Halloween →
Being an international exchange student is a complicated task. Luckily there are student organisations which help those students with problems they encounter. One of them is ESN – the Erasmus Student Network. This weekend ESN held a National Platform meeting which served as a presentation and feedback get together for all seven branches in Norway. For … Fortsett å lese Cowboy and cowgirls on what ESN means for them →
NOFOMA conference was originally supposed to be organized by NTNU in Trondheim this year. But due to organization of another large event there and promised and recently fulfilled cooperation with Molde University College it moved to Himolde instead. Photo by KRYSTOF DIATKA The conference started, the evening before the first contributing authors presented their papers, with … Fortsett å lese Luxurious Chateau Saved Money for NOFOMA Conference →
"Panorama er Høgskolen i Moldes uavhengige nettavis. Panorama skal drive fri og uavhengig journalistikk i tråd med den frie presses idealer."