Stikkordarkiv: Jenka Mergaert

Nature, Northern Light and Babybel cheese

Jenka Mergaert and Lucie Ballet,  both Erasmus students at HiMolde (Molde University College),  have spent a couple of months in Norway. They love it. By KRYSTOF DIATKA and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo) Jenka comes from Kortemark in West-Flanders in Belgium and her home university is in Gent in East-Flanders where she takes a master in sport … Fortsett å lese Nature, Northern Light and Babybel cheese

Running for men’s health

Molde town was coloured by students who participated in Movember Run, a charity event aimed at raising awareness for men’s health issues, on Friday afternoon. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) MSI (Moldestudentenes Idrettslag) – The Molde Student’s Sports Team – organised the 6.5 km event for the second year running, raising around … Fortsett å lese Running for men’s health