Stikkordarkiv: Kleive

Bergem/Bryhn: Two local painters in one exhibition

KLEIVE (Panorama): Saturday, Galleri S organized an exhibition opening with works of art by artists and friends Per Olav Bergem and Karl Bryhn, both of them from Molde. By ELMIRA TUKAEVA Galleri S and it’s owner, Sigmund Skår, presented the audience with paintings by contemporary artists Per Olav Bergem and Karl Bryhn. The two friends … Fortsett å lese Bergem/Bryhn: Two local painters in one exhibition

Molde students made it to the top

Sunday, ESN Molde organized an ambitious time-out from studying into dizzying height: a hiking trip from Kortgarden to Skåla, Molde’s highest mountain. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER & BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (photo) «It’s the best autumn we’ve ever had here in Molde. You should really make use of it and go out!» No sooner said than done – … Fortsett å lese Molde students made it to the top