Stikkordarkiv: Presentations

Getting feedback, gaining wisdom

NTNU in Trondheim is hosting the 23th EurOMA conference, which started Friday with the 15th EurOMA doctoral seminar.  By LISE LILLEBRYGFJELD HALSE, associate professor TRONDHEIM: The seminar organized by the European Operations Management Association attracts 45 PhD students from all around the world, and nine international faculty members that share their knowledge and experience in … Fortsett å lese Getting feedback, gaining wisdom

Supply Chain and Food Waste

The main part of NOFOMA conference at Molde University College started in the morning of 4.6. Essentially the main program of that day consisted of four parallel presentation sessions taking place in different class rooms of Molde University College. Academics from all around the world presented their papers approved by the conference committee. The topics of … Fortsett å lese Supply Chain and Food Waste