Stikkordarkiv: Syria

Syrian refugee: – What matters most is the future of my children

The mindset of Syrian people has changed due to the war, says Obaida Dalati, a refugee from war-torn Aleppo now living in Molde. By BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (text & photo) Saturday 19th of November, it was time for another KIA (Kristent Interkulturelt Arbeid) event. This week’s International Café theme was Syria. «Currently there are about 40 … Fortsett å lese Syrian refugee: – What matters most is the future of my children

Syria: – I think most of us will go back home

If the war in Syria ends, refugee Obaida Dalati plan is to return to his homeland.  By CASSIE YANG and EDEN GAO (photo) Last Saturdays’s International Café (KIA) in the basement of Molde cathedral was quite an unforgettable experience for Molde’s international students. They gathered together with Norwegians and refugees from Syria and enjoyed traditional … Fortsett å lese Syria: – I think most of us will go back home

Mot i brystet, vett i panna?

Massakrane og terroren som Den islamske stat (IS) står for i Irak og Syria er avskyeleg og skremmande. Skremmande fordi vi veit av utviklinga at stadig fleire uskuldige står for tur til å bli drepne, og skremmande også fordi folk frå Noreg reiser dit for å delta. Korleis kan personar som har vakse opp i … Fortsett å lese Mot i brystet, vett i panna?