Stikkordarkiv: Nitherson Marvin

Showdown at the biggest party of the year

A combination of cheap beer, good music, beautiful ladies and well-dressed gentlemen would definitely guarantee an exceptional party, as was the case on Saturday night at Molde University College. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) The new student nightclub iSmuget officially opened on the same night at the biggest party ever witnessed … Fortsett å lese Showdown at the biggest party of the year

Grand opening of iSmuget this weekend

Valhall is dead, long live iSmuget! By KRYSTOF DIATKA and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo) In the article from 30.1. in Panorama it was promised that the new venue of student night club is gosing to be opened in the end of February, but ever since no student has been reported to come home drunk after one … Fortsett å lese Grand opening of iSmuget this weekend

Her er det nye iStudent-styret

Simen Strøm Nordnes tar over som iStudent-leder etter Ole Martin Bjørnvik Mundal. Det er klart etter årsmøtet i studentersamfunnet på Molde Campus i dag. Før han ble valgt gjorde Strøm Nordnes rede for den økonomiske situasjonen i organisasjonen. iStudent har for øyeblikket 600 000 kroner på konto. – Her ligger det muligheter, sa Strøm Nordnes, … Fortsett å lese Her er det nye iStudent-styret