Stikkordarkiv: Skiing

Waiting in line for winter

BJORLI (Panorama): Winter is right around the corner, or is it already there? By BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (text & photo) As you might have already noticed, the weather has been changing lately. The clock set to winter hour, after sleeping one hour longer waking up with frozen grass and/or feet, rain turning into snow from time … Fortsett å lese Waiting in line for winter

Beer for breakfast

OPPDAL (Panorama):  Two non-Norwegian students ended up lost in Vinteruka somewhere between home-made wine, snus, hot dogs, mountains, snow and fun. By MATTHEW LUNN, KRYSTOF DIATKA and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo) Matt and Krys were on a quest to discover what Vinteruka, the skiing trip organized by students of Himolde, was actually about.The trip took place … Fortsett å lese Beer for breakfast