Stikkordarkiv: Varden

Knallstart i helga på fjerde iFri-sesong

Med hele fem arrangementer i helga med totalt rundt 30 deltagere er studieåret definitivt i gang for moldestudentenes friluftsgruppe iFri. Lørdag gikk fire turer av stabelen: Sykkeltur til Mordalsvågen og Julneset, samt fotturer til Varden, Kringstadnakken og Storheia. Søndag var det hengekøyetur og overnatting ved gapahuken Gapskratten like ved Molde campus. Friluftsgruppa iFri, som ble … Fortsett å lese Knallstart i helga på fjerde iFri-sesong

The colorful uniqueness of Mother Nature

Have you wondered about what the Northern Lights actually are, and where they come from? By BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (text & photo) Being blessed the last weeks of September with early Northern Lights shows in Molde, a lot of questions have been raised by new students about what Northern Lights now actually are and how they … Fortsett å lese The colorful uniqueness of Mother Nature

Join the new outdoor group for students: iFri

If you enjoy the beauty of Norwegian nature, love spending time outside, hiking, biking or kayaking, there is a new group for you! We talked about it with the leader of the new outdoor group at university, Kjerstine Mæhle Skjøtskift. The purpose of the outdoor group, which is called iFri – Moldestudentenes Friluftslivsgruppe, is to … Fortsett å lese Join the new outdoor group for students: iFri

New students enjoyed the spectacular Varden view

Thursday 24th of August, a group of newly arrived students walked to the top of Varden. For most of them that was their first hiking in Norway. Most of tourists who come to Molde visit the observation deck at Varden – 407 meters above sea level, with astonishing view to the city and fjord. For the … Fortsett å lese New students enjoyed the spectacular Varden view

Team 3 on the winning ways

Thursday’s final day of Erasmus Games got kicked-off with an adventurous forest orientation race. This time, also the weather was in favor with the participants. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER & BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (photo) 3, 2, 1 – go! Equipped with not more than a map, three teams (four teams rejected before the start) took the challenge … Fortsett å lese Team 3 on the winning ways

Duket for tidenes åpningsuke

– Jeg elsker eventer, så nå våkner jeg gira hver dag, avslører leder Michela Sala i Åpningsuka-styret. Oslojenta er i ferd med å ta en mastergrad i event management, men denne uka og de to neste vier hun og resten av styret  for Åpningsuka seg til å gi nyankomne studenter en pangstart på studietida i … Fortsett å lese Duket for tidenes åpningsuke