Kategoriarkiv: Video

250 studenter fikk bryne seg på mattenøtt. Klarer du oppgaven?

Klarer du PKs julenøtt? I dag fikk 250 studenter i Molde, Kristiansund og Bergen den som oppgave på eksamen i matematikk. https://www.facebook.com/PanoramaHiM/videos/590386475030370/   Student Marte Hoksnes (22), bachelorstudent i økonomi og administrasjon fra Julsundet i Molde, sier at det «gikk greit» på dagens eksamen i MAT100. – Det er aldri godt å si med matematikk, … Fortsett å lese 250 studenter fikk bryne seg på mattenøtt. Klarer du oppgaven?

50 år med høgskole i Molde

Se panelsamtalen om Høgskolen i Moldes 50 første år. Da Høgskolen i Molde lørdag feiret 50 år på Bjørnsohuset, ledet Terje Sporsem en panelsamtale der tidligere studenter, rektorer og direktører medvirket: Rolf Myhre, Tore Berg, Martin Risnes, Solfrid Vatne og Kjell Bugge. https://www.facebook.com/PanoramaHiM/videos/409701576585562/?__xts__[0]=68.ARDLFDCRIeaeAYRPWTMudJ9kTKou2GAJsi5RnjcG_tDkEsO1GBw4xCSnOcZLyhafG-ksSPdpjrKM4hMPQHeAzAZo0rEZVsO_iZcBscD173e0EVSBs45hjwa94_6ZTehgnEe6Alr2VOfS7__WbGXExl73BsTO2zQ3AfM98pwKjdRs52Nh9_KG9I-JumaS7HGgpXOT2X_pU74iyWq0rdEiQVU4egTARkcuGp5Y5TcOVA5dLdSYgWWZ24eurI2fz6igHXxzqTB-G6PddHqfgqCY57olhCrYMkFEh9f1mbraR_n4wp3G311V2kqn8rImX3Bb-fCEfqthJcoMbuhGkFqjGM3JR7UZtpwnAr1oQw&__tn__=-R LES MER: – Vi er i en omkamp om opplysningstiden

MSI fought back with only 10 players – can qualify for promotion Wednesday

REKNESBANEN (Panorama): With 1-3 at half-time and only 10 players left, MSI impressivley fought back against Isfjorden/Åndalsnes 2 in the second half and tied 3-3 in yesterday’s match. By RABAH TAIF and UMID MIRZAEV (photo) A hot tie match of 3-3 was taking place in Reknesbanen yesterday afternoon between the host team MSI (The Molde students … Fortsett å lese MSI fought back with only 10 players – can qualify for promotion Wednesday

Logistikk-student møtte en mer avslappet livsstil på utveksling i Italia

Masterstudent Torbjørn Hetland (23) forlot Molde campus i et halvår til fordel for nye erfaringer på utveksling til Modena i Italia. I dag – da International Day ble arrangert på campus – fortalte han medstudenter om sine opplevelser. https://www.facebook.com/PanoramaHiM/videos/2785532821479233/

After crucial Sunday success, MSI finally have fifth division in sight

KGB LUBBENES (Panorama): Two years after being founded, the MSI football team now have a chance at being promoted to fifth division after Sunday’s 2-1 win over group leader Elnesvågen 2. By RABAH TAIF (text & photo) https://www.facebook.com/PanoramaHiM/videos/2446603455596346/ Afer all the hard work, difficulties and problems they faced during two seasons playing in the local … Fortsett å lese After crucial Sunday success, MSI finally have fifth division in sight

Building new relations at the annual Get together-party

Wednesday night, master’s students in logistics at Molde University College gathered at Smuget on Molde campus for the 6th version of the annual Get together-party. https://www.facebook.com/PanoramaHiM/videos/2413385085583750/ The purpose of the event is to stimulate Norwegian and international students to get to know each other better. The evening began with an ice breaker game and was … Fortsett å lese Building new relations at the annual Get together-party