Stikkordarkiv: International day

Etterlyser piñata etter International Day

Har du sett en piñata med fem armer? Logistikkstudent Tania Rodriguez (29) trenger den til et bursdagsselskap. Da Tania Rodriguez fra Lázaro Cárdenas i delstaten Michoacán på Mexicos stillehavskyst i høst kom til Molde for å studere på masterprogrammet i logistikk, fikk hun etter en ukes tid beskjed om at de internasjonale studentene ofte pleier … Fortsett å lese Etterlyser piñata etter International Day

Logistikk-student møtte en mer avslappet livsstil på utveksling i Italia

Masterstudent Torbjørn Hetland (23) forlot Molde campus i et halvår til fordel for nye erfaringer på utveksling til Modena i Italia. I dag – da International Day ble arrangert på campus – fortalte han medstudenter om sine opplevelser. Vil ha flere HiMolde-studenter ut i verden Torbjørn Hetland (23), masterstudent i logistikk ved HiMolde, tok et … Fortsett å lese Logistikk-student møtte en mer avslappet livsstil på utveksling i Italia

Students and staff enjoying the International Day

Today, the International Day was celebrated with lots of good food and some cultural information on Molde campus. International Day 2017 at Molde campus Some video footage from today’s International Day on Molde campus. Interviews with Erasmus-coordinator Anette Kristin Myrstad and international students Maxim Gordienok and Bernadette Gehlsen. Posted by Panorama HiM on 27. september … Fortsett å lese Students and staff enjoying the International Day

Warm, open and amazing International Day

«Have you tried our food? Have you visited our stand?» By NANCY LE, EDEN GAO (photo) and KRYSTOF DIATKA (photo) These questions could easily be heard Wednesday when International Day 2015 was celebrated on Molde campus. For students at HiMolde, International Day is an interesting and valuable day where they can tell other students and … Fortsett å lese Warm, open and amazing International Day

Proposes tuition for international students

The era of free tuition in Norway for students from countries outside of the European Economic Market (EEA) and Switzerland may be coming to an end. By KRYSTOF DIATKA Today the Norwegian government presented the 2015 Fiscal Budget in Oslo. The budget proposes a cut in funding for some international students. For Molde University College (MUC) … Fortsett å lese Proposes tuition for international students