Alle innlegg av Zelda Nyangari

From small care groups to big care chats

In the first master’s students Zoom meeting, HiMolde associate professor Berit Irene Helgheim proposed small care groups for students during the Covid-19 lockdown. Now, the new strategy is big chat rooms. By ZELDA NYANGARI The original idea was that 3-5 students formed groups to support each other mentally and emotionally during the Covid-19 lock down … Fortsett å lese From small care groups to big care chats

Applied for over 700 jobs: «This is how I managed to get a summer internship!»

From the time I started my studies at HiMolde to now, I have applied for over 700 jobs with over 20 interviews. In the beginning it was a painful process, but I’m getting better at it. By ZELDA NYANGARI (text & photo) The struggle of securing employment as an international student in Norway is real! … Fortsett å lese Applied for over 700 jobs: «This is how I managed to get a summer internship!»

Go home or stay? This is how the international students are feeling

International students at Molde University College speaks out about how they are dealing with the corona virus threat.  By ZELDA NYANGARI  The questions we asked: 1) How do you feel about being away from home in such times? 2) What are you doing to stay safe? 3) What are your plans since the virus keeps … Fortsett å lese Go home or stay? This is how the international students are feeling

Five fresh faces on campus

Here is what five new Molde University College students had to say about arriving in Molde and Norway at the Tuesday night international kickoff at Smuget student club. By ZELDA NYANGARI (text & photo) Sabrina Haba Age: 20 From: Spain When did you arrive in Molde: 4th of August How are you fitting in: Very … Fortsett å lese Five fresh faces on campus

The sound of May 17th

All over Norway, it is the children school’s marching bands that delivers the soundtrack to the celebration of the national day.  Before the national day, Panorama met up with the marching band from Kvam og Sellanrå skole – which is the two neighbouring childrens schools of Molde University College, to see what they have been … Fortsett å lese The sound of May 17th

Dancing the night away in Molde

Even if some long living Molde night club venues have transformed into fitness clubs, there are still DJs pleasing the dance and electronica crowd. Saturday, both Vaksendisko og Electronic Family club concepts is aiming to fill the dance floors. Electronic Family will be hosting Venners venners fest 3.0 at Reknes Ungdomshus, and parallel to the … Fortsett å lese Dancing the night away in Molde