Stikkordarkiv: Eva-Merete Otterlei Børstad

It is okay not to be okay

On the occasion of the International Day of mental health, MSH (Moldestudentenes Helseutvalg) organized an event “Generosity is Gold.” Yesterday, psychologist Marie Midtsund talked to students about the importance of mental health. By ANETA GRABMÜLLEROVA “Everyone has a mental health, bad or good,” psychologist Marie Midstund said. The question is: How do we keep the … Fortsett å lese It is okay not to be okay

SHoT-undersøkelsen: – Molde-studenter er som andre studenter

SHoT-undersøkelsen 2018 viser at rundt 30 prosent av HiMolde-studentene ofte er ensomme, og at like mange har alvorlige symptomer på psykiske plager. – Tallene i undersøkelsen viser at Molde-studenter er som andre studenter, sier iStudent-leder Mads Kristiansen. KHRONO: Kraftig forverring av studenters psykiske helse Studenter og ansatte ved høgskolen og studentsamskipnaden var i formiddag samlet … Fortsett å lese SHoT-undersøkelsen: – Molde-studenter er som andre studenter

HiMolde greeted new students as celebrities

During the past two weeks, HiMolde students Jasetha Pushparajah, Jan Sindre Heltne and Brit Flemmen Berg have been welcome hosts. They have picked up over 150 new students at Molde Aiport Årø and other places. By ELMIRA TUKAEVA and ARTUR KAMALITDINOV (photo) The nice welcoming gesture of meeting new students, along with the new logo … Fortsett å lese HiMolde greeted new students as celebrities

New students enjoyed the spectacular Varden view

Thursday 24th of August, a group of newly arrived students walked to the top of Varden. For most of them that was their first hiking in Norway. Most of tourists who come to Molde visit the observation deck at Varden – 407 meters above sea level, with astonishing view to the city and fjord. For the … Fortsett å lese New students enjoyed the spectacular Varden view

Hiking to the Troll Church

Adventurous students from HiMolde visited Trollkyrkja (Troll Church) caves on Wednesday, with the lead and organization of Eva-Merete Otterlei Børstad, the student counsellor of the university. By ADAM FRANCZIA and ANDREAS HUSTAD (photo) Trollkyrkja is not a religious facility, (even though the name might suggest it), but a rare natural formation. The main cave is … Fortsett å lese Hiking to the Troll Church

Feeling free in Moldemarka

Thursday, HiMolde students hiked to the top of Moldeheia aka Tusenårsvarden (elevation: 530 meters). The top is a favourite destination among locals of all ages.  By ANDREAS HUSTAD and NANCY LE (photo) What is your first impression on Norway? «It is nice! We really like it here. Compared to the Netherlands, there is so much … Fortsett å lese Feeling free in Moldemarka

The 4-3-3 examination strategy for HiMolde students

It’s time for the hard facts. Final exams are just around the corner and your studies in the coming weeks will play a large role in your exam performance. BY NANCY LE AND KRYSTOF DIATKA (photo) If you don’t know where to start, here is the exam revision strategy recommended by HiMolde student advisor Eva-Merete Otterlei Børstad. … Fortsett å lese The 4-3-3 examination strategy for HiMolde students

Tok badestopp på Audunstjønnan

Tross skoledag med varm og tung inneluft, møtte kun 20 av 33 påmeldte studenter frem for å gå turen fra Romsdalsmuseet til Tusenårsvarden tirsdag ettermiddag. Regn påvirket muligens fremmøte, men været var varmt og påvirket ikke humøret til en gjeng av 90 prosent norske studenter og to norske hunder. Flertallet tok turen -som gikk på … Fortsett å lese Tok badestopp på Audunstjønnan