Stikkordarkiv: iStudent

10 tips for å unngå Luksusfellen

Under årets første utvalgsaften ble det servert gratis onsdagstaco samt tips til å bedre en trang studentøkonomi. Onsdag kveld ble sultne studenter lokket til Smuget med gratis taco i anledning årets første utvalgsaften i regi av iStudent. I tillegg til at de ulike utvalgene ved skolen fikk muligheten til å presentere seg selv, var også forbrukerøkonom, Magne … Fortsett å lese 10 tips for å unngå Luksusfellen

Her er det nye iStudent-styret

Onsdag var det duket for årsmøte for Studentersamfunnet ved Høgskolen i Molde. Det nye styret skulle velges, samt at handlingsplanen skulle godkjennes. Av ULRIK RØD De 60 oppmøtte elevene som kom fikk pizza og brus på iStudents regning. Ordstyrer for dagen var Simen Strøm Nordnes, avtroppende leder i iStudent. Det ble framlagt informasjon om økonomien … Fortsett å lese Her er det nye iStudent-styret

Vibeke’s next tattoo is all about her sister

HiMolde-student Vibeke Tessem Sperre was worried about what her father would say, but that didn’t keep her away from the tattoo artist. By MESAY MOGES MENEBO WHO? Vibeke Tessem Sperre (23) from Ålesund is interested in music, math and creativity. The clean look and systematic arrangement of goods in local stores which she observed as … Fortsett å lese Vibeke’s next tattoo is all about her sister

Showdown at the biggest party of the year

A combination of cheap beer, good music, beautiful ladies and well-dressed gentlemen would definitely guarantee an exceptional party, as was the case on Saturday night at Molde University College. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) The new student nightclub iSmuget officially opened on the same night at the biggest party ever witnessed … Fortsett å lese Showdown at the biggest party of the year

Students celebrated in style

After four months of detailed planning and preparation, the much-awaited New Year’s banquet (Nyttårbanketten) took place on Saturday evening at Hotel Alexandra graced by close to 300 students and staff from the university college. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo)  Martin Ødegaard, 16 year old Norwegian football player who was recently signed by … Fortsett å lese Students celebrated in style

Former wrestler enjoys being busy

iStudent leader and former wrestler Ole Martin Bjørnvik Mundal (21)  lives for every day and likes his schedule to be as busy as possible. By PAVLA UJMIAKOVA Ole Martin, borned and raised in Kristiansund, joined the wresling community at the age of 8. His parents didn‘t push him. He followed a friend who had  joined … Fortsett å lese Former wrestler enjoys being busy