Alle innlegg av Panorama

Fashion alert – simple elegance

Finding your own style and having the courage to stick to it is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul. Our fashion stars this week draw inspiration from various people and situations that results in an appealing style. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) Arnór Ásgeirsson Student, MSc Sport Management … Fortsett å lese Fashion alert – simple elegance

Nøktern ordførerdebatt om storkommune

Kommunereformen blir et farvel til lokaldemokratiet, varsler pensjonert professor. Men Romsdals ordførere lar seg ikke skremme. Av CHRISTER OLSEN og PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (foto) Dagens kommunestruktur er 50 år gammel, flere kommuner sliter med å tjenestetilbud og økonomi, og regjeringen vil reformere: færre og større kommuner får flere oppgaver og mer innflytelse. Fristen til å uttale … Fortsett å lese Nøktern ordførerdebatt om storkommune

Fashion alert – more trendsetters on campus

Dress shabbily and they remember the dress, dress impeccably and they remember the person. Our best dressed campus fashion participants this week mostly set their own trends. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) Amber Huang Student, MSc Logistics. Style: I do not exactly know what my style is. Perhaps I can define … Fortsett å lese Fashion alert – more trendsetters on campus

Howling Lucas and Hampus the swimmer

HiMolde employees Randi Gammelsæter and Steinar Kristofferson love their dogs. By MESAY MOGES MENEBO and PAVLA UJIMAKOVA (photo) Two dogs are the stars of this article. One of them is Lucas, a Tsvetnaya Bolonka breed that weights 3,5 kilograms. Lucas is owned by HiMolde special advisor Randi Gammelsæter, who is married to HiMolde-rector Hallgeir Gammelsæter. … Fortsett å lese Howling Lucas and Hampus the swimmer

Smoked salmon taken to the next level

Using tradional smoking technique, local herbs and whisky infusion, Drågen Smoke House close to Molde produces a delicious smoked salmon that melts in your mouth. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo) After a few people tasted the delicious fish and we got wind of it, Panorama opted to go behind the scenes and … Fortsett å lese Smoked salmon taken to the next level

Fashion alert – the best looks on campus

Style is a way of saying who you are without speaking. In our new fashion column, Panorama spots the best dressed students and staff on campus. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) Anna Gazova Student, MSc Event Management. Style: Classic, romantic and casual blended with accessories that include bags, shoes, scarves and … Fortsett å lese Fashion alert – the best looks on campus

Startet 30 firma med fire tomme hender og to tomme hoder

Han er ikke en alminnelig kar, Stig Hjerkinn Haug, for alminnelighet dreper kreativitet. Av CHRISTER OLSEN og ISABELLE CHANG TAN (foto) Han vil ikke ha folk som tenker likt i eget konsulentselskap, som selger metoder for å lette kreative prosesser. Med slike metoder har han startet 30 firma, hvorav halvparten overlevde. Stig og Stein startet … Fortsett å lese Startet 30 firma med fire tomme hender og to tomme hoder

Showdown at the biggest party of the year

A combination of cheap beer, good music, beautiful ladies and well-dressed gentlemen would definitely guarantee an exceptional party, as was the case on Saturday night at Molde University College. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and ISABELLE CHANG TAN (photo) The new student nightclub iSmuget officially opened on the same night at the biggest party ever witnessed … Fortsett å lese Showdown at the biggest party of the year

Molde student met Google on fair

OSLO (Panorama): Four HiMolde students visited the Global Talent Week in Oslo this week to meet big corporate employers. By ISABELLE CHANG TAN (text & photo) “By attending this fair I have more information about companies like Opera, IBM, Google, Finn and DNB. I know more about the employment requirements and potential opportunities in the … Fortsett å lese Molde student met Google on fair

Big expectations for a small town

Five international students on Molde Campus speak their honest opinion about what they expected of student life in Molde and how it actually turned out to be. By MESAY MOGES MENEBO and PAVLA UJMIAKOVA (photo) Puneeth Parthasarathi (India, MSc Engineering Logistics), who has work experience in logistics and supply chain management in the telecom industry, discovered Molde … Fortsett å lese Big expectations for a small town