Kategoriarkiv: Samfunn

Distant love

“Men are like Bluetooth, they work if you are close to them. Women are like WiFi, they are connected to just one suitable network,” said Tarek Nader, 25, as he recalled his long distance relationship. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD Living apart is not an option many couples would consider, but sometimes they are faced with … Fortsett å lese Distant love

Free tuition and free food

ESN organized its protest petition at Himolde today while students and staff celebrated opening of their new dining establishment. By KRYSTOF DIATKA On the occasion of International Student Day the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at Molde University College organized a protest against governmental proposal for tuition for international students from outside of European Economic Area … Fortsett å lese Free tuition and free food

– Artig at det er så mange gutter

Moldestudenter møtte mannsterke opp hos KPMG i Molde. Av THOMAS SKAUVIK – Jeg synes det er kjempeflott å få engasjerte studentene på besøk her.  Høgskolen i Molde er en viktig utdanningsinstitusjon for oss, og vi vil gjerne komme i kontakt med studentene.  Det er artig at det er så mange gutter her i år, for … Fortsett å lese – Artig at det er så mange gutter

Appetite for a 263 billion dollar industry

The nature surrounding Molde is the perfect playground for the adventure seeking international tourist, but the local industry has so far failed to get substantial revenues in this fast growing billion-dollar market Former special forces soldier Didrick Ose, CEO of DID Adventure, and Høgskolen i Molde’s (HiM) associate professor Nigel Halpern is teaming up to … Fortsett å lese Appetite for a 263 billion dollar industry

Kick off-suksess

Et 40-talls studenter møtte opp i Valhall til kick off-arrangementet for vårens Venture Cup. Det er cirka fire ganger så mange interessert studenter som forrige gang businessplan-kurset ble presentert på Molde Campus. Trekkplasteret var den lokale Lanullva-gründeren Gunn Anne Lyngstad, som har som bedriftsvisjon at alle nordmenn skal eie en Lanullva-trøye. – Damer i jeans, … Fortsett å lese Kick off-suksess

Samba and forró at Molde swing club

It was a Tuesday evening worth shaking off to as a few Brazilian students taught Norwegian dancers at Molde Swing- og Rockeklubb impressive moves. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD The event was part of the Social Erasmus Week organized by Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in Molde, which is celebrated all across Europe from 10th to the 16th … Fortsett å lese Samba and forró at Molde swing club

– Falt pladask

Student Cato Karbøl (23) er frelst og stiller seg i spissen for innovasjon og entreprenørskap blant Molde-studentene. I morgen kl. 14.30 samles de i Valhall på Molde Campus, studentene som har ambisjoner om å skape sine egne produkter, tjenester og arbeidsplasser. Da er det såkalt kick off for Venture Cup – BØK411, HiMoldes mest innovasjonsrettede … Fortsett å lese – Falt pladask

Running for men’s health

Molde town was coloured by students who participated in Movember Run, a charity event aimed at raising awareness for men’s health issues, on Friday afternoon. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) MSI (Moldestudentenes Idrettslag) – The Molde Student’s Sports Team – organised the 6.5 km event for the second year running, raising around … Fortsett å lese Running for men’s health

Rock star and pilot thrills Molde pupils

He may not have flown himself to Molde in his private jet, but a highly respected rock star who is also a pilot, author, broadcaster and entrepreneur with a PhD in history visited Romsdal videregående skole this morning. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) Paul Bruce Dickinson, from the world famous rock band  Iron … Fortsett å lese Rock star and pilot thrills Molde pupils