Kategoriarkiv: Samfunn

Samba and forró at Molde swing club

It was a Tuesday evening worth shaking off to as a few Brazilian students taught Norwegian dancers at Molde Swing- og Rockeklubb impressive moves. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD The event was part of the Social Erasmus Week organized by Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in Molde, which is celebrated all across Europe from 10th to the 16th … Fortsett å lese Samba and forró at Molde swing club

– Falt pladask

Student Cato Karbøl (23) er frelst og stiller seg i spissen for innovasjon og entreprenørskap blant Molde-studentene. I morgen kl. 14.30 samles de i Valhall på Molde Campus, studentene som har ambisjoner om å skape sine egne produkter, tjenester og arbeidsplasser. Da er det såkalt kick off for Venture Cup – BØK411, HiMoldes mest innovasjonsrettede … Fortsett å lese – Falt pladask

Running for men’s health

Molde town was coloured by students who participated in Movember Run, a charity event aimed at raising awareness for men’s health issues, on Friday afternoon. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) MSI (Moldestudentenes Idrettslag) – The Molde Student’s Sports Team – organised the 6.5 km event for the second year running, raising around … Fortsett å lese Running for men’s health

Rock star and pilot thrills Molde pupils

He may not have flown himself to Molde in his private jet, but a highly respected rock star who is also a pilot, author, broadcaster and entrepreneur with a PhD in history visited Romsdal videregående skole this morning. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) Paul Bruce Dickinson, from the world famous rock band  Iron … Fortsett å lese Rock star and pilot thrills Molde pupils

Breaking the ice

A night at Valhall with games and laughter broke the ice between international and Norwegian students. By PAVLA UJMIAKOVA First year students enrolled in the Master of Science in Logistics program recently took part in their first team-building event at Valhall organized by their quality team. Students that participated formed six teams and competed in … Fortsett å lese Breaking the ice

The Halloween photos

The creepiest night of the year saw many students exploring an alternative lifestyle with the most ridiculous outfits as they celebrated Halloween at Valhall and Kompagniet over the weekend. By MONICA AKECH SYSTAD and THOMAS SKAUVIK (photo) (Student nightlife in Molde – Part 3): Spine chilling skeletons, devil impersonators, movie characters, zombies, health practitioners and … Fortsett å lese The Halloween photos

Industribestilt master trues av budsjettkutt

Rektor Hallgeir Gammelsæter skriver til Mørebenken at regjeringens foreslåtte studieavgift truer Engineering Logistics-studiet, som ble opprettet på bestilling fra næringslivet. – En liten nasjon kan ikke ha høyt spesialiserte studier uten internasjonal rekruttering,  skriver Gammelsæter. Les også: En industribestilt mastergrad I forslaget til statsbudsjett for 2015 vil Solberg-regjeringen innføre studieavgift for internasjonale studenter utenfor EØS-området. … Fortsett å lese Industribestilt master trues av budsjettkutt