Stikkordarkiv: Smuget

Åpningsuka – Wanted: Fadder!

Åpningsuka is coming closer and closer, and the program for 2018 is almost entirely fixed. However, the most important contributors are still missing to some extent, namely the buddies (“fadder”) for the new students. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER (text & photo) Even if it is still more than three months to go until this year’s Åpningsuka, … Fortsett å lese Åpningsuka – Wanted: Fadder!

What happened to Vinteruka?

Every year, the tradition is to enjoy wintertime by skiing and having fun in the mountains. This year’s edition of Vinteruka turned out a bit differently. The iStudent and Vineruka boards remained silent and kept students strained till the very last minute. Just a week before the event was supposed to take place, it was … Fortsett å lese What happened to Vinteruka?

iStudent’s New Year´s banquet 2018

Last Friday, more than 200 students gathered at HiMolde University for the New Year’s Banquet and for the after party with a special presentation from local band Lærlingan and former Molde student Daniel Schempp. By EDUARDO DRAPIER Everyone that attend the event were well dressed to celebrate the new year. Students started to arrive around … Fortsett å lese iStudent’s New Year´s banquet 2018

The last dance

Good vibrations at the ESN Godbye Evening party. Artur Kamalitdinov’s video of December’s Goodbye Evening in student club Smuget on Molde campus features an interview with ESN Molde president, student band 50%, DJ Daniel Schempp, students honouring SiMolde’s Rolf Magnus Orø for his work, and students having a good time on the dance floor. READ … Fortsett å lese The last dance

Students music band 50% debuted in Smuget

On Friday 10th November students music band debuted in Smuget. The concert of the international band was a huge success. The 50% international music band consists of five members. Pavel Brlica from Czech republic, Norwegian Simon Fjælberg and German Luca Sternecker play guitar, Belgium Ilias De Wit plays on piano, Sarp Tezonarici from Turkey plays … Fortsett å lese Students music band 50% debuted in Smuget

Nissefest på Smuget

Høgskolen i Molde: Fredag kveld arrangerte Smuget årets siste storfest. Årets siste tema var nissefest. Smuget tilbød nedstressing før eksamenstiden og julestria med en sikkelig nissefest. Med DJ Daniel Schempp bak spakene var det duket for god stemning på studentbaren. Rundt 180 studenter møtte opp for å markere denne siste festen. Knut Hofgaard Eikre kom … Fortsett å lese Nissefest på Smuget

First ever Open Mic at Smuget was a success

Adventurous students, who felt open to show their skills to the public could try themselves out last Friday in the course of an Open Mic event at Smuget. Either musical, comic, or other stage-worthy talents were introduced to the rewarding audience. By ÁDÁM FRANCZIA (text & photo) and ARTUR KAMALITDINOV (video) As on most Fridays, the … Fortsett å lese First ever Open Mic at Smuget was a success

Ut på blåtur med iStudent

Fredag morgen møtte rundt 40 studenter opp for å dra på blåtur. Fredagens blåtur gikk til Valldal Aktivitetspark. Leder for iStudent, Vegard Øye, meddelte etter at de frivillige studentene var kommet inn i bussen at fredagens blåtur skulle gå til Valldal Aktivitetspark. Øye meddelte til Panoramas journalist at han så at noen ble svært bleke … Fortsett å lese Ut på blåtur med iStudent