I 2015 var det bare studentene ved Høgskolen i Nesna som i mindre grad enn HiMolde-studentene «alt i alt» var tilfredse med studieprogammet de går på. HiMolde kommer ikke heldig ut på studenttilfredshet på NOKUTs Studiebarometer for 2015 som ble offentliggjort i dag. På spørsmål om de er «ikke enig» eller «helt enig» på en … Fortsett å lese Nest dårligst i landet på studenttilfredshet→
Da det niende romjulstreffet i regi av Molde Næringsforum og Molde kommune gikk av stabelen i dag, kunne HiMolde friste med seks ledige stillinger. Romjulstreffet på Molde rådhus er en jobbmesse i miniatyr. Hensikten med treffet er å koble studenter, utflyttede romsdalinger og andre med lokale bedrifter med sikte på rekruttering. I år var det … Fortsett å lese Stilte med seks ledige stillinger på romjulstreffet→
En studentoppgave om CrossFit Molde ble mest lest av nyhetssakene i Panorama i 2015. Se ti på topp-listene for reportasjer og kommentarartikler. 10 på topp nyhetssaker og reportasjer 2015: Crossfit-trening, krav om kandidatnummer på eksamen, ridder Hervik, ny Møreforsking Molde-sjef og student i seilbåt var blant temaene i de ti Panorama-sakene som fikk flest lesere … Fortsett å lese Mest lest i 2015→
«Have you tried our food? Have you visited our stand?» By NANCY LE, EDEN GAO (photo) and KRYSTOF DIATKA (photo) These questions could easily be heard Wednesday when International Day 2015 was celebrated on Molde campus. For students at HiMolde, International Day is an interesting and valuable day where they can tell other students and … Fortsett å lese Warm, open and amazing International Day→
Campus chef Asgeir Hoel – in Panorama known as Norway’s strongest chef – can be proud of another achievement. He holds a champion title from equipped powerlifting at Arnold Classic Europe 2015 two weeks ago in Madrid. Power lifting which consists of three attempts at maximal weight in bench press, dead lift and squat. These weights … Fortsett å lese Campus chef conquered Arnold Classic Europe→
People say that bass guitar is not an instrument. It is. Maya Vik proved it at her concert at Alexandraparken. The Spellemannprisen (Norwegian Grammy) winner gave an exquisite performance Saturday night marking the nearing end of Moldejazz. Pure entertainment was dripping from every song. Maya Vik, who used to work as bartender in the nightclubs of … Fortsett å lese Discofunk proved that the Eighties are not dead yet→
Artists coming to any sort of event need to feel welcomed and enjoy their time. That actually requires a lot of work for the organizers since stars and mannerisms go well together. Luckily Moldejazz wields a team of dedicated people and other features to accommodate artists needs. Elise L. Johanson has been involved with the … Fortsett å lese Artists need to be kept happy→
Every day at Moldejazz the day kicks off with a parade, which has become a traditional and inseparable part of the festival. The crowd lines up both sides of the street every time the parade passes. It is formed by the marching band Jazzlogen and the dancers of Molde kulturskole, and every day it predicts … Fortsett å lese The dancing girl with the white umbrella→
Walking towards the Romsdal Museum through Den Grønne Korridor park hearing the psychedelia of Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters was something magical. The Romsdal Museum is a skansen preserving traditional Norwegian architecture and culture. Wooden houses with grass roofing do not associate with the sound of an electric guitar and rock howling of a superstar Robert … Fortsett å lese Robert Plant rocked it out during the encore→
As opposed to the Dee Dee Bridgewater and the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra Terrance Kelly, the artistic director of Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir, urged audience not to dance out of their clothes. Even though fully clothed, the whole church danced, sang and got wild. I am an atheist and I have never believed in anything … Fortsett å lese Human voices made the church go wild→
"Panorama er Høgskolen i Moldes uavhengige nettavis. Panorama skal drive fri og uavhengig journalistikk i tråd med den frie presses idealer."