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The dilemma of doping: Should it be banned in sport?

Why should we ban doping in sport? Sigmund Loland, professor of sport philosophy at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NSSS) and expert on doping and ethics, tried to find and explain the answers during his open lecture at HiMolde last Wednesday. By ÁDÁM FRANCZIA (text & photo) «Should performance enhancing drugs (PED) be banned in … Fortsett å lese The dilemma of doping: Should it be banned in sport?

Key to success: «Do more than what is asked of you»

Friday, Ole Martin Vebenstad, a former student at HiMolde, returned to his academic roots to tell the current Sport Management students how to succeed in the sports industry, and how to avoid failing. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER and ANDREAS HUSTAD (photo) «It is kind of weird coming back to Molde University College as a ‘lecturer’, but I am … Fortsett å lese Key to success: «Do more than what is asked of you»

Gathering in multicultural spheres in Molde

KIA organizes almost weekly events where all people of the community are welcome to gather around in an international environment to create a warmer Norway. By BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (text & photo) KIA (Kristent Interkulturelt Arbeid) in Molde is an organization led by department manager Reidar Andestad. «The main purpose is to gather people in an … Fortsett å lese Gathering in multicultural spheres in Molde

Vellykket kveld med innovasjon

Karriereforum inviterte til øl og pizza på Innovasjonskveld. Av THEA LIAVAAG ELLEFSEN og ANDREAS HUSTAD (foto) Leder i Karriereforum, Eirin Kjerstad Bøe, var veldig fornøyd med Innovasjonskvelden. Det var første gangen de arrangerte et slikt arrangement, og det ble en stor suksess. – Dette er et arrangement som vi har lyst til å få til igjen, … Fortsett å lese Vellykket kveld med innovasjon

Celebrating Oktoberfest at Smuget

Friday, HiMolde students celebrated the renowned Bavarian folk festival, Oktoberfest. By ÁDÁM FRANCZIA & ANDREAS HUSTAD (photo) Well, not exactly at the same time and the same place as the original one, but it turned out to be an enjoyable and quite realistic duplication of the one that takes places in Munich, Germany. Oktoberfest (or as … Fortsett å lese Celebrating Oktoberfest at Smuget

Molde and Zlin research cooperation moving on from social economy to logistics

ZLIN (Panorama): Researchers in Zlin and Molde have contributed to a monograph that is soon to be published, titled «The Social Economy, Social Enterprises and outline of sustainability». By SEBASTIAN GUSTAFSSON In January 2016, Molde University College received an invitation from Tomas Bata University in Zlin (Czech Republic), applying for a grant from the European … Fortsett å lese Molde and Zlin research cooperation moving on from social economy to logistics

Molde students made it to the top

Sunday, ESN Molde organized an ambitious time-out from studying into dizzying height: a hiking trip from Kortgarden to Skåla, Molde’s highest mountain. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER & BENJAMIN MOEYERSONS (photo) «It’s the best autumn we’ve ever had here in Molde. You should really make use of it and go out!» No sooner said than done – … Fortsett å lese Molde students made it to the top

New faces on the board of ESN Molde

Altug Öztürk takes over the position as president from Brit Flemmen Berg, leading the new board of ESN Molde. By RAPHAELA OSSBERGER Erasmus Student Network’s (ESN) Annual General Meeting was meant to be an ordinary assembly, looking back at what happened so far this year and elect a new board. But as things never turn out … Fortsett å lese New faces on the board of ESN Molde